Centro Policlínico de Olhão Lda
Tel: 289706176 (Portuguese national call cost)
925 697 532 (Portuguese national mobile phone call cost)

Olhão Polyclinic Center, Contacts


Get in touch with us!

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Centro Policlínico de Olhão Lda

Address: Rua Lavadouros 46-lj 3 8700-442 Olhão OLHÃO Portugal
Email: centropoliclinicoolhao@gmail.com
Phone: 289706176 (Portuguese national call cost)
Mobile: 925 697 532 (Portuguese national mobile phone call cost)
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 12:00 pm | 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Sat 9am - 12:30 pm
Sun Closed
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 37° 1'28.24"N
Longitude: 7°50'28.14"W